Rest, Restore, Roar Retreat

think back to your favorite childhood memory or age... where you weren’t held back. where you were free & innocent.
let’s go back to that.

imagine you’re a piece of furniture that, when the creator created it, was exactly what it was meant to be. perfect in its own right. as it gets passed on from generation to generation, person to person, they start manipulating it to what they like. different paints, change the knobs, dull or shiny. when we close for restoration, we acquire the tools to strip away the layers & restore to our beautiful self

together we will work on peeling back the layers of shame, guilt, and lies. recognize, and receiver our identity in Christ! we will work through a course I created after much soul work called, rest. restore. roar. we will unpack our toolbox, and repack it with the right tools for truth, identity, purpose, and peace.

this is a personal journey for everyone, a journey to His best for our lives. a time to rest. restore back to who he had originally created us to be, so we can go out and roar about his transforming way!!

this retreat is a 4 day, 3 night, all inclusive retreat. we will work through rest, restore, roar course, journaling between you and Jesus, work through our story with art (don’t worry, you don’t have to be artsy, trust me on this one!). eat amazing meals, snacks, drinks, and all the art supplies you will need. you just need to show up for you!!! that’s it!

lodging at country dome suites, check in there by 4pm, Thursday, October, 7th, 2021 (sleeps 2 people, please let us know if you would like your own room)

arrive at All Things Acres at 5pm, October 7th, 2021.

we will meet, greet, have dinner, and just love on each other.

The retreat will end at 11am on Sunday, October 10th, 2021.

for any other questions, please email us at