Journey to His best

Recently, I asked 5 questions in a newsletter, and wanted to take the questions further, and give some “advice or ideas” to help answer them.

Here’s the questions…

  1. When was the last time I sat quietly to hear what God is saying about my life?

    Well, being intentional with our time is one of the best ways to hear God. I know this is easier said then done! I say i’m gonna wake up, sit in the word every morning, and I hit snooze. The world is full of noise, and I have recently changed my phone settings so I can’t get online from 10pm-7am, that gives me room to sit quietly with Jesus. I also quit using my phone for the Bible, tooo many distractions. I set the timer on the coffee, so the coffee is brewed when I wake up. I curl up in my cozy corner, turn on some of my favorite worship music, and dig into a devotional, or spend time in a specific book of the Bible. When I start my day out this way, and open up my hands to what He wants for me to do that day, my to do list becomes His, and I accomplish what He wants me to do to further the kingdom. I used to be a serious list maker, and now I wake up and ask Him, “what do you want me to do today?” I can do His to do list wherever He has me.

  2. What does He say about me in this season?

    The world is noisy!! Amen? Everyone sharing advice, uhmmmm, that’s what i’m doing here, haha! Anyways, what is He saying about me? Am I supposed to be quiet, and wait? Run, and chase down dreams He’s planted? So many things! So, when you’re sitting quietly with Him, ask Him. “Lord, what would do you want me to do this season? Where do you want me to be? Do you want me to rest, and gather information? Is it time to run and chase that dream you’ve planted?” Winter, a time for letting the ground rest. Spring, a time to plant. Summer, a time watch things begin to bloom. Fall, a time to reap the harvest. What season are you in?

  3. Are there words i’m speaking over my life that aren’t truth or in line with what God is saying about me?

    For so long I believed so many things about myself, then figured out they were all lies! Today, make a list of things about yourself that you believe are truths, then think, hmmmm? Is this something that I’m making up, or this scriptural truth!!!

  4. Are there things i’m saying yes to that aren’t in line what God is calling me to do?

    I have so many dreams, hopes, and desires, but not all of them are for me. But, how do I know? When we sit quietly with Him, and stay rooted in scripture, or surround ourselves with friends that speak truth, we are more able to discern His will. Turning up the music and worshiping Him or getting out in nature, we are less likely to be distracted with the world, and more in tune with His will. The word is truth, He will not leave, or forsake us, HE promises!!!

  5. What is the thing that has been keeping me stuck from moving forward with my purpose?

    Do you know what your purpose is? Have you thought about it? Have you wondered what the heck am I supposed to be doing here? Does money, relationships or a current job keep you stuck? If you took money out of the equation, what would you do?! What are those things that you always dream about, think about? Continually bring you joy?!?! What is stopping you? If God has put that desire in your heart, then take the first step. You gotta do the work too!!

loving having these conversations with y’all!! Let’s keep getting to His best for our lives!!

